Entries by Jo Cosmetic

Nutrition, Vitamins, and Supplements
Good for hair

Hair strands begin from inside your body, taking vitamins and minerals from the food you eat. The right nutrients support hair growth tissues and much more, including skin and nail cells. Learn about the relationship between hair and diet: the key nutrients, how they work, the foods that contain them and great recipes for growing […]

The Link Between Diet And Hair Loss

There are a variety of nutrients involved with our skin, nails and hair. Our overall health, medication we may be taking, and whether or not we are deficient in vitamins and minerals can all impact how our hair grows and its strength1. Whilst this area of research is in its infancy, there is an interesting […]

Understanding Hair Loss and Hair Thinning in Men Causes Treatment

Many people experience changes to their hair at some point during their lives. While women also struggle with thinning hair and hair loss, men outnumber women in this category: 70% of men struggle with hair loss in comparison to 40% of women. With such a high percentage, even if you’re not struggling with hair loss […]

Hair loss facts:

If you’ve been asking yourself, “Why is my hair falling out?” it is important to know that you’re not alone in experiencing hair loss or thinning hair. In fact, 50% of the population will deal with hair loss at some point in their lives.. Prevention is better than cure 1- Genetic factors of thinning hair […]